Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thoughts on Beer....

There always seems to be some special beer release coming.  I love beer.  It's hard to decide which releases to let slide by and which ones to buy the crap out of to store and savor.  Let's talk about a few recent or upcoming releases that you should be interested in....

1.  Goose Island Bourbon County Stout.  This beer has been out for about 2 weeks in the state of Indiana.  This is a ridiculous beer.  Loads of molasses, chocolate, oak, bourbon, and a touch of vanilla.  Very much worth seeking out because it is totally worth the investment.  A beer that is better 5 years down the road than it is currently.  It's amazing how the beer develops over time.  Grab a four pack, if you can, drink one and make notes of how it tasted.  Then next year open another, make notes. and so on and so forth.

2.  Three Floyds BrooDoo.  Quite possibly my favorite monthly release from my favorite brewery.  The fresh hop harvest ale is just bursting with hop flavors.  I drank the crap out of this last year and this year I plan to do the same.  This one hit shelves in Indy last week and continues to do so this week.

3.  Founders Backwoods Bastard:  Scotch ale aged in bourbon barrels.  certain to keep you warm during those winter months with a boozy sweetness that is nicely complimented by vanilla and oak notes.  This comes out at the beginning of November.

4.  Bells Java Stout:  One of my favorite coffee stouts.  You gotta get this one fresh so that the coffee is abundant, but it's well worth it.  Should be hitting shelves soon.  This one is not to be missed.

5.  Three Floyds Alpha Klaus.  A hopped up Christmas Porter.  I am not into Christmas Ales generally, but this is the one I buy several bottles of and enjoy throughout the holiday season.  November release.  Make sure you don't miss out on this one.

What are some other beers that you try and seek out during the next month or two?



  1. Great post Kevin!

    Per your request, a few of the beers that i am looking forward to trying to obtain are as follows:
    - Founders Bolt Cutter Barleywine
    - Founders Backwoods Bastard
    - Half Acre Baume
    - 3 Floyds Alpha Klaus
    - Great Lakes Xmas ale (an oldy but a goody)
    - It's not a beer but a cider aged in bourbon barrels called The Mitten by Virtue Cider
    - The next iteration in the Bruery's 12 days of Xmas series
    - Autumn Maple by the Bruery
    - I am curious about 2Xmas from Southern Tier (

    1. How could i forget about Bolt Cutter. I am not all that into Barleywines, but I have been told I just drink the wrong ones. I snagged an Autumn Maple a few weeks ago, need to get into that one. You have a very nice list there sir, I need to check some of those out!! Cheers!
